Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Beer Tasting: Dogfish Head Saison du BUFF

Dogfish Head Saison du BUFF

6.8% ABV
Enjoyed on 10.5.2014

So technically Saison du BUFF isn't exclusively a Dogfish Head beer.  It's actually a collaboration between them, Stone Brewing Company, and Victory Brewing Company.  I just happened to grab the Dogfish Head version.  As Hacksaw and I have done our share of collaborations, when the big boys get together, I'm always excited to see what they come up with.

I actually scored this one at a really cool place in Apex, NC called the Beer Dispensary.  They have a ton of different brews, including an incredible selection of stuff that is harder to come by.  Not only that, but they have a handful of beers on tap for purchase while you peruse the masses, trying to narrow down your selection.  I had been promised a six pack, so with the time it took to narrow my choices, I was glad I had a beer in hand to guide me.

Observations:  Like a good farmhouse ale should, Saison du BUFF pours a light straw color with a white head which doesn't stick around long.  The nose is comprised a of a bouquet of lemon and a handful of spices.  I was able to pull out thyme and sage, and perhaps a hint of rosemary.  Both in the nose and in the flavor, the spices are delightfully understated, never offering much more than a hint.  The beer starts sweet and citrusy and ends with a crisp, dry finish with the thyme and rosemary lingering a bit after the citrus fades.  It's light, crisp, and really tasty, never overpowering with any piece of the flavor puzzle.

Conclusions:  Would that I could drink one of these every day over the summer.  I've noticed that saisons with some kind of spice added have become more popular recently, and for that I am certainly thankful.  The gentle hint of something like basil, thyme, or ginger only adds to the refreshing drinkability of the style, and this collaboration brew is no exception.


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