Monday, December 1, 2014

Beer Advent: An Introduction

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone.  I can no longer fight the Christmas season.  The first week of December comprises the acceptance phase for me, and I'll eventually get excited about the coming holiday.  One thing helps though... Beer Advent.

Whether you've grown up punching out the days on the advent calendar and getting your chocolate fix or you've only seen the calendar on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, you're probably familiar with the concept.  In a traditional advent calendar, there's a little cover over each day, and behind that cover there's a piece of chocolate to eat that day.  The beer advent calendar is exactly the same thing, just a different beer every day of December leading up to Christmas.

Last year, a friend of mine told me about this idea that his brother had concocted.  As soon as I heard the details it was a no-brainer, I wanted in.  After last year's fantastic beer selection, I didn't even mind a price increase to get back on that wagon this year.  I even convinced Hacksaw to join in since field was expanded from 24 to 48 participants.  Formally styled "ADVENTures in Beer," the beer advent calendar is a great opportunity to try a variety of new beers and even discuss them among the other participants (also an excuse to have a beer every day of December).

One of my favorite parts last year was the surprise each day.  The case is wrapped such that with a tiny bit of self-control, you can avoid revealing which beer is up for the day until it's actually time to partake.  My wife actually played a big part in this, placing each brew in the refrigerator in the morning after I left for work.  Then when I got home, that sweet mystery brew would be sitting right in the front of my fridge waiting for me.  A beautiful thing.  This year the Christmas day entry is a bomber with construction paper strategically taped over the label.  It's basically a present under the tree!

This year, in addition to padding our Untapd stats, Ben and I will post our reactions and progress a couple of times per week so that you, dear reader, can come along on this journey with us.  Even though today is already the first of the month, it's not too late to set a goal to try one new beer every day in December!  I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to wrangle up 25 quality brews for your holiday enjoyment.

So happy December to everyone and check back in to see what craft brewed excellence we encounter along the road to Christmas Day.  I am already getting excited to try beer number one this evening.


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